Counseling and Student Accessibility Resources

Counseling Services


入学的学生有资格获得免费的个人咨询服务. 顾问在法律规定的范围内尊重讨论的保密性质. No record of a student’s visit is made on any academic file.

Accessibility Services

咨询和学生无障碍资源办公室中国博彩平台提供学习, 物理, 发展, 精神, and 情感 dis能力 服务. Under the Americans with Dis能力 Act (ADA) of 1990, 如果一个人有身体或精神上的缺陷,限制了一项或多项主要的生活活动,他或她就被称为残疾. TSC中国博彩平台提供合理的住宿,以确保获得所有课程, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施.

Accessibility Resources

  • Extended time for tests/quizzes
  • Distraction-reduced testing
  • Permission to audio record lectures
  • Books in alternative format
  • Use of assistive technology – Kurzweil 3000
  • Sign language interpreter

    New Students Request for Accommodations:


    • Full Individual Evaluation
    • Last accommodations received
    • DDS lab assessment (for dyslexia)

    TWC/Medical Specialist

    • Psychological evaluation
    • Medical diagnosis documentation
    • Veteran award letter with explanation of diagnosis

Returning Student:

 Request Services:

On-campus Resources:

要预约有执照的专业咨询师,请致电(956)295-3417. 遇到危机的学生被敦促去最近的医院急诊室, 拨打全国预防自杀生命线1-800-273-TALK (8255), 拨打911, 或文本741-741. 在工作时间之外遇到危机的学生可以拨打热带德克萨斯MHMR中心的24小时电话热线1-877-289-7199.

Counseling and Student Accessibility Resources

Lightner Center, 102A
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 295-3587

Provides free counseling to currently enrolled students. Services offered are individual, 家庭, 夫妻, 药物滥用, and anger management counseling, as well as skill-building, 沟通, 听, 自信, 时间管理, and organizational skills.

Local Mental Health Authority:

Tropical Texas Behavioral Health

861 Old Alice Rd.
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 547-5400

The organization provides an array of 服务 to children, 青少年, 以及18岁及以上患有严重抑郁症的成年人, 精神分裂症, bipolar disorders, 或者任何其他严重的情绪症状干扰他们的日常活动. 治疗是单独设计的,以满足每个消费者的具体需求,同时促进独立性. 为同时患有精神健康和物质使用障碍的个人中国博彩平台提供服务. 危机服务每周7天,每天24小时中国博彩平台提供服务.

Off-Campus Mental Health Resources:

General Counseling:

UTRGV Counseling and Training Clinic

2168 E. 杰克逊
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 882-7792

The clinic provides various 服务, including individual, 集团, 夫妻, 婚姻, and 家庭 counseling. 这家诊所的目标是中国博彩平台提供促进成长的体验, 以及预防和早期治疗的发展, 情感, and interpersonal difficulties. This clinic is free and open to the community.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas

Brownsville, TX 78520


This clinic offers help to those uninsured, 谁的现有保险不中国博彩平台提供精神健康服务福利, 谁是低收入者,没有钱支付咨询服务, or who would not receive treatment any other way. Counseling 服务 are provided by trained, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, 还有当地教堂的婚姻和家庭咨询师, 诊所, and community centers across the Rio Grande Valley, 拉雷多, and the Coastal Bend region. 会议是私密的,在一个安全和熟悉的环境中进行, such as churches and community centers.

The first meeting with a counselor is free. 每次后续会议按浮动比例收取适度费用, 然而, no one is denied service because they cannot pay. An appointment must be scheduled in advance.

Substance Abuse Counseling:

Tropical Texas Behavioral Health

861 Old Alice Rd
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 547-5400

对成年和青少年男性和女性中国博彩平台提供药物使用门诊和强化门诊服务. 有资格获得服务的个人是那些符合物质使用障碍诊断标准的人,不需要更有条理的环境来保持清醒. 该方案旨在亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过赋予个人实现其最大尊严潜力的能力来提高参与者的生活质量, 独立, and self-fulfillment.

成人和青少年都可以获得排毒和善后服务. 治疗是根据具体优势进行个体化的, 需要, 能力, and preferences of each individual served. 善后服务旨在亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过帮助个人参与社区康复计划和心理健康服务,扩大住院戒毒所取得的成果. 热带德克萨斯州与当地设施签订合同,亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过药物使用障碍和精神健康服务的康复过程中国博彩平台提供支持性护理.

Palmer Drug Abuse Program

1275 Cottonwood Dr.
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 544-3333

The organization’s mission is to support teenagers, 成年人, and 家庭 members through individual and 家庭 counseling,  支持小组会议和监督戒毒社会活动, 都在保险箱里, 舒适的, and sober environment. Individual and 集团 counseling is available.

Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas

5510 N Cage Blvd,


该组织目前仅为成人中国博彩平台提供门诊治疗服务. 这些服务适用于患有药物使用障碍的个人. BHSST是dshs许可的治疗机构,可以亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过医疗补助或私人支付接受保险个人. Services are available in Brownsville.

该计划包括一个为期12周的门诊计划,包括6个人和24个小组会议. 治疗遵循以动机性访谈技术为特色的认知行为治疗课程.

Local Mental Health Authority

Tropical Texas Behavioral Health

861 Old Alice Rd.
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 547-5400

The organization provides an array of 服务 to children, 青少年, 以及18岁及以上患有严重抑郁症的成年人, 精神分裂症, bipolar disorders, 或者任何其他严重的情绪症状干扰他们的日常活动. 治疗是单独设计的,以满足每个消费者的具体需求,同时促进独立性. 为同时患有精神健康和物质使用障碍的个人中国博彩平台提供服务. Crisis Services are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Trauma Counseling

Friendship of Women, Inc. (Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault)

Brownsville, TX 78523

(956) 544-7412

Friendship of Women, Inc. counseling 服务 are tailored to meet a survivor’s 需要. 在咨询师确定哪种类型的咨询服务最有益之后,幸存者可以获得个人和团体治疗.

紧急避难所和社区外展中心免费中国博彩平台提供成人和儿童咨询服务. 我们的临床团队由两名双语持证专业咨询师组成,他们拥有超过25年的家庭暴力和性侵犯/儿童虐待幸存者工作经验.

Family Crisis Center (Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault)

616 W. 泰勒
Harlingen, TX 78550

(956) 423-9305
(956) 423-9306

家庭危机中心的咨询服务包括对幸存者的个人和团体治疗. Both 成年人 and children are able to access 服务.

Mujeres Unidas /妇女团结(家庭暴力及性侵犯)

511 N. 辛西娅·圣.
McAllen, Texas 78501


Counseling 服务 are provided at Mujeres Unidas. 幸存者能够了解家庭暴力和性侵犯的动态, as well as safety planning.

Crisis Resources

Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
24-hour mobile unit

National Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-SAFE(7233)
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Nationwide RAINN (Sexual Assault) Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4679)

Off-Campus Mental Health Resources

General Counseling:

UTRGV Counseling and Training Clinic

2168 E. 杰克逊
Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 882-7792

The clinic provides various 服务, including individual, 集团, 夫妻, 婚姻, and 家庭 counseling. 这家诊所的目标是中国博彩平台提供促进成长的体验, 以及预防和早期治疗的发展, 情感, and interpersonal difficulties. This clinic is free and open to the community.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas

Brownsville, TX 78520


This clinic offers help to those uninsured, 谁的现有保险不中国博彩平台提供精神健康服务福利, 谁是低收入者,没有钱支付咨询服务, or who would not receive treatment any other way. Counseling 服务 are provided by trained, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, 还有当地教堂的婚姻和家庭咨询师, 诊所, and community centers across the Rio Grande Valley, 拉雷多, and the Coastal Bend region. 会议是私密的,在一个安全和熟悉的环境中进行, such as churches and community centers.

The first meeting with a counselor is free. 每次后续会议按浮动比例收取适度费用, 然而, no one is denied service because they cannot pay. An appointment must be scheduled in advance.